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no man's land

Are you living in No Man's Land or Are you Living your Soul Purpose?

No Man's Land : A Place your Dreams go to Die

This Quote has been stuck in my head all week…

I've been on an Audio Book Binge and the other day I heard this quote from Tony Robbins and I couldn't get it out of my head. He said. "There are many people who live in what I call 'No-man's Land,' a place where you're not really happy, but you're not unhappy enough to do anything about it," “That's a dangerous place. It's a place where people numb themselves to their dreams.” That hit, and I realized for a long time that was me and my clients, living day to day. Going to work, checking the boxes, going through the motions- knowing that they wanted to change or have more - but not doing anything about Most of us live entire lives like this, on auto-pilot, sleepwalking, counting down days till the weekend or holidays.

You wake up knowing something is wrong, knowing you want something more but promise yourself you'll do something about it later.

Later never comes, you keep pushing back that thought, telling that little voice to shut up and slowly it starts to fade away and you blink your eyes and 10 years have passed.

You've just spent the last 10 years in No Man's Land.

Staying in No Man's Land or Living your Soul Purpose

Life is more than sleepwalking, chasing paychecks, checking boxes and waiting for your next holiday or vacation. Life is meant to be enjoyed! Experienced! Savored and Explored!

Life is meant to be LIVED. You have a Soul Purpose, a meaning, a reason for being When you're living it, your Soul Purpose, life feels like Summer Holidays, it feels like Christmas Morning, it feels like you are happy, fulfilled and ALIVE Life is more than just living in No Man's Land.

There is magic in everyday moments when you are living your soul purpose.

You don't feel like you're just counting down the days till the next vacation.

You wake up thinking, I'm so excited for this day, I get to live my dream, my soul purpose.

You feel joy, you feel love, you feel alive.

leaving no man's land

If you're feeling stuck, at a standstill, in a rut. You're probably in No Man's Land.

And for anyone looking to leave No Man's Land, I'm here

I'm here to let you know I have been there before, my clients have as well.

I'm here to tell you there is another way, and all you need to do is take the first step. Don't worry about the how. I got you the rest of the way

Get in Touch, if you're ready to leave No Man's Land.

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